Jacki Green
Jacki Green
Немного обо мне:
Hi, my name is Jacki Green. I'm an expert in website promotion. I work on the site https://miglioriopinioni.com/. We have collected customer reviews from every seller to help you make an informed choice. What are you most likely to buy on the Internet? Does it matter what reviews the store has received and what product do you prefer? We invite you to come in and see all the information.
People who live in large cities tend to buy more cosmetics, household chemicals and medicines online than people who live in small communities.
In terms of the reason to buy the product you want on the Internet, it differs.
"Online shopping is favored by tablet and laptop buyers because it offers lower prices than regular shops. It is important for buyers to cut down on time spent buying items for kids such as household chemicals, ready-made food items, cosmetics, or other household products. "Those who buy tablets or medical supplies must be able to order online and take it home at a location near them," report the study authors.
Online shoppers are dominated by those aged between 26 and 45 years, with the youngest being 16-25 year olds.
There are some correlations between purchases within different socio-demographic categories. More men than women purchase appliances (smartphones tablets computers, computer accessories and equipment), and automobile products. Women are more likely to spend money on shoes, clothes and perfumes, cosmetics, baby items and accessories, as well as presents.
The population of 25 years old tends to purchase clothes, cosmetics and fragrances, accessories and gifts as well books (electronic and printed), food, soft lenses and delivery meals. The 26-35 group is more likely to purchase baby products, baby products, care products as well as maternity items.
Large appliances, sportswear and automobile products are the most sought-after by buyers between 36 and 45. Those over 46 tend to buy more medical supplies.
Online smartphones, parts and other items are most popular with families with an income that is greater than the median monthly income of a family. People with higher incomes per household tend to purchase products from nearly every category.
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Milan, Italy
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