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Freddie Garner

Место работы: https://kennstonstore.com
Работает с: 1 января 2023, 00:00
Немного обо мне: down around her shoulder, accentuating her full, round breasts. She had a classic beauty. Her green cat-eyes sparkled and her lush red lips sat in a pout. She sat and drank her martini, casually glancing at the clock behind the bar to check the time. The man at the end of the bar saw her every move. And when he noticed she was nearing the end of her drink, he paid for and sent her another. When she inquired to the waiter as to who had sent it, the waiter pointed out the
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Письма Коссы — лаконичная рассылка для тех, кто ценит своё время: cossa.pulse.is

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