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15 декабря 2014, 14:40
Кристина Курс, Unilever Russia, о процессе работы с рекламными агентствами
Very interesting article! There is one more cloud application that you may find interesting. Its name is Comidor and it offers everything you may need in order to manage your everyday tasks, documents and projects.
Популярные новости
15 января 2025, 10:33
14 января 2025, 11:14
13 января 2025, 11:01
10 мифов об удаленной работе
In order to have an efficient remote collaboration, every business should have the right software to facilitate it. Comidor is a cloud-based collaboration platform which offers everything a business needs not only regarding collaboration but also Project Management, CRM, Finance, Productivity measurement and Business Intelligence. To check it out yourself visit and try its free demo version!